hi list,
i'm trying to set one custom attribute during rad_check to use it while selecting proper vsa in rad_reply. these are my 4 steps: 1) add custom attribute to the dictionary; 2) get it set by rad_check, if necessary; 3) modify dialup.conf to pass my custom attribute to rad_reply [using control variable?]; 4) check my custom attribute to choose reply vendor specific attributes; i would set this custom attribute by returning it from radcheck query but radreply query doesn't recognize it: where am i wrong? how can i update custom attribute within sql module? can anyone please help me?

############ my dictionary

$INCLUDE        /usr/share/freeradius/dictionary

VENDOR          Me                  35612


ATTRIBUTE       Service-Type     1               integer
VALUE           Service-Type     Hotline         0
VALUE           Service-Type     DynamicUser     1
VALUE           Service-Type     StaticUser      2

ATTRIBUTE       Hotlining-Enabled     2          integer
VALUE           Hotlining-Enabled     False      0
VALUE           Hotlining-Enabled     True       1

ATTRIBUTE       Hotlining-Class       3          integer
VALUE           Hotlining-Class       User-New-Provisioning      0
VALUE           Hotlining-Class       User-Already-Connected     1
VALUE           Hotlining-Class       User-Not-Enabled           2


############ my radcheck stored procedure

SELECT * INTO userinfo FROM users WHERE inner_id = ParmInnerId;

 hotlining = userinfo.hotline;

 IF userinfo.isactive = False THEN
   hotlining = TRUE;

 IF hotlining = TRUE THEN
RETURN QUERY SELECT 0, ParmInnerId, 'Hotlining-Enabled'::varchar, ':='::char(2), 'True'::varchar;

  SELECT * FROM vsa_check
   WHERE inner_id = ParmInnerId
  ORDER BY id;

############ my dialup.conf

SELECT id, inner_id, attribute, val, op \
  FROM radreply(\
  '%{NAS-Ip-Address}'::inet, \
  COALESCE(NULLIF('%{control:Hotlining-Enabled}', ''), 'FALSE')::boolean);"

############ my radiusd -X output

rlm_sql (sql): Reserving sql socket id: 2
[sql] expand: SELECT id, inner_id, attribute, val, op FROM radcheck( COALESCE(NULLIF('%{Event-Timestamp}', ''), '%S')::timestamp with time zone, '%{SQL-User-Name}', '%{Realm}', '%{Nas-Ip-Add ress}'::inet, '%{Calling-Station-Id}'::macaddr, parse_bssid(NULLIF('%{WiMAX-BS-Id}', '')), COALESCE(NULLIF('%{WiMAX-PDFID}', ''), '0')::smallint); -> SELECT id, inner_id, attribute, val, op FROM radcheck( COALESCE(NULLIF('Apr 4 2013 18:42:05 CEST', ''), '2013-04-04 18:42:42')::timestamp with time zone, 'test', 'freeradius', ''::inet, '0C4C399C58F7'::macaddr, parse_bs sid(NULLIF('0x303030303230303630313030', '')), COALESCE(NULLIF('', ''), '0')::smallint);rlm_sql_postgresql: Status: PGRES_TUPLES_OK
rlm_sql_postgresql: query affected rows = 3 , fields = 5
[sql] User found in radcheck table
[sql] expand: SELECT id, inner_id, attribute, val, op FROM radreply( '%{SQL-User-Name}@%{Realm}', '%{NAS-Ip-Address}'::inet, COALESCE(NULLIF('%{control:Linkem-Hotlining-Enabled}', ''), 'FALSE'): :boolean); -> SELECT id, inner_id, attribute, val, op FROM radreply( 'test@freeradius', ''::inet, COALESCE(NULLIF('', ''), 'FALSE')::boolean);

############# from my psql console

csnrads=# SELECT id, inner_id, attribute, val, op FROM radcheck( COALESCE(NULLIF('Apr 4 2013 18:42:05 CEST', ''), '2013-04-04 18:42:42')::timestamp with time zone, 'test', 'freeradius', ''::inet, '0C4C399C58F7'::macaddr, parse_bssid(NULLIF('0x303030303230303630313030', '')), COALESCE(NULLIF('', ''), '0')::smallint);
   id   |    inner_id     |        attribute         |  val   | op
      0 | test@freeradius | Hotlining-Enabled        | True   | :=
 702095 | test@freeradius | Cleartext-Password       | test01 | :=
 702096 | test@freeradius | Simultaneous-Use         | 1      | :=
(3 rows)

csnrads=# SELECT id, inner_id, attribute, val, op FROM radreply( 'test@freeradius', ''::inet, COALESCE(NULLIF('True', ''), 'FALSE')::boolean); id | inner_id | attribute | val | op
6 | test@freeradius | Hotline-Indicator | active | := 7 | test@freeradius | Hotline-Profile-Id | freeradius/hotprofile | := 11 | test@freeradius | Termination-Action | Radius-Request | := 35 | test@freeradius | Session-Timeout | 900 | :=
(4 rows)
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