On 09/08/13 11:18, Matthew Newton wrote:
On Fri, Aug 09, 2013 at 11:05:47AM +0100, Jonathan Gazeley wrote:
On 09/08/13 10:52, Arran Cudbard-Bell wrote:
Whilst making up features is a fun pastime it's not very productive.

There is one global policy section at the top level.  Virtual servers do not 
have different policy name spaces.
Thanks for this. So you're saying that there can only be one policy
{} section in the whole server, and if I wish to load two sets of
policies I will have to merge the two files?
You should be able to do

policy {
         $INCLUDE /path/to/policy/dir

in radiusd.conf, then just put policies in that directory (without
the policy { } wrapper of course).

That's how it is now done by default in version 3.


Thanks for this. I've implemented this solution using our config management system (Puppet) which is handling all the includes stuff.

Happy weekend everyone,
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