I tried the image and was really impressed. WOW!. Thank you!
I personally would like to see shells/zsh.

My first try was to use a CD-RW to test the image. This
didn't work out and showed repeatedly the following errors
during boot time:

acd1: FAILURE - READ_BIG ILLEGAL REQUEST asc=0x02 ascq=0x00 
acd1: FAILURE - READ_BIG ILLEGAL REQUEST asc=0x44 ascq=0x00 

and subsequent couldn't populate the filesystems (cpio complained).

Thank you very much


On Fri, Aug 18, 2006 at 09:15:20PM +0200, Matteo Riondato wrote:
> All,
>       I want to inform you that a new FreeSBIE image goes public today.
> This image is *not* an official FreeSBIE image released by the
> FreeSBIE Staff, but a non-official, possibly bugged and unstable
> FreeSBIE image released by me.
> This image is *not* FreeSBIE 2.0. Its codename is GMV, which stands
> for Gian Maria Volonte', an Italian actor that played in movies as "A
> fistful of dollars" and "For a few dollars more". 
> FreeSBIE GMV is based on FreeBSD 7-CURRENT as of 2006.
> UTC, with ports from the same date and time. FreeBSD HEAD branch was
> chosen because all my machines run it. Feel free to use my
> configuration to build a 6.1-STABLE image.
> FreeSBIE GMV is oriented to security and rescue and recovery. If you
> think that some important software is missing, feel free to contact
> me. I already know that vim and dsniff are missing and am sorry for
> that, but these ports didn't compile on August 9th 2006. 
> The list of included software can be found at the bottom of this
> announcement.
> What I want from you is feedback, as FreeSBIE GMV can be seen as an
> important step towards FreeSBIE 2.0, but please don't see FreeSBIE GMV
> as FreeSBIE 2.0-PRERELEASE, nor -BETA. You're strongly encouraged to
> send me feedback about our plugins, feedback about included software,
> feedback about software configuration. I will try to reply to every
> mail you'll send to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .
> Please specify [FreeSBIE GMV] in the subject of the mail.
> FreeSBIE GMV can be downloaded from:
> http://people.freebsd.org/~matteo/GMV/FreeSBIE-GVM-20060809.iso
> A mirror will be much appreciated. 
> The MD5 sum for the ISO image is:
> MD5 (FreeSBIE-GMV-20060809.iso) = 9aa45a3d5a2b5efcb7ee2fd242ad80c2
> A list of installed software follows. Please note that this is only
> the list of the "main" packages and does not include their
> dependencies.
> abiword                               editors/abiword
> abiword-plugins       editors/abiword-plugins
> aircrack-ng                   net-mgmt/aircrack-ng
> arpwatch                      net-mgmt/arpwatch
> beep-media-player-esound        multimedia/beep-media-player
> chkrootkit                    security/chkrootkit
> cpdup                         sysutils/cpdup
> crack                         security/crack
> cups                          print/cups
> dsniff                                security/dsniff
> e2fsprogs                     sysutils/e2fsprogs
> elinks                                www/elinks
> eject                         sysutils/eject
> emacs                         editors/emacs
> etherape                      net-mgmt/etherape
> ettercap-gtk2                 net-mgmt/ettercap
> evince                                graphics/evince
> firefox                               www/firefox
> firewalk                      security/firewalk
> fping                         net/fping
> gaim                          net-im/gaim
> gdesklets                     deskutils/gdesklets
> gftp                          ftp/gftp
> gimp                          graphics/gimp
> gnupg                         security/gnupg
> gphoto2                               graphics/gphoto2
> gqview                                graphics/gqview
> gtkpod                                audio/gtkpod
> gv                            print/gv
> hping                         net/hping
> hydra                         security/hydra
> ike-scan                      security/ike-scan
> irssi                         irc/irssi
> john                          security/john
> kismet                                net-mgmt/kismet
> mplayer-fonts                 multimedia/mplayer-fonts
> mplayer                               multimedia/mplayer
> mutt-devel                    mail/mutt-devel
> nagios                                net-mgmt/nagios
> nagios-plugins                        net-mgmt/nagios-plugins
> nano                          editors/nano
> ngrep                         net/ngrep
> nikto                         security/nikto
> nmap                          security/nmap
> nmapfe                                security/nmapfe
> ntfsprogs                     sysutils/ntfsprogs
> ntop                          net/ntop
> obexapp                               comms/obexapp
> openvpn                               security/openvpn
> pine                          mail/pine4
> progsreiserfs                 sysutils/progsreiserfs
> pwd_unmkdb                    sysutils/pwd_unmkdb
> p0f                           net-mgmt/p0f
> rainbowcrack                  security/rainbowcrack
> rkhunter                      security/rkhunter
> rox                           x11-fm/rox-filer
> samba                         net/samba3
> screen                                sysutils/screen
> scapy                         net/scapy
> snort                         security/snort
> sudo                          security/sudo
> thunderbird                   mail/thunderbird
> unicornscan                   security/unicornscan
> unrar                         archivers/unrar
> unzip                         archivers/unzip
> vim-gtk2                      editors/vim
> wget                          ftp/wget
> wipe                          security/wipe
> wireshark                     net/wireshark
> xbindkeys                     x11/xbindkeys
> xbindkeys_config              x11/xbindkeys_config
> xchat                         irc/xchat
> xfce                          x11-wm/xfce4
> xfsprogs                      sysutils/xfsprogs
> xorg-clients                  x11/xorg-clients
> xorg-fonts-100dpi             x11-fonts/xorg-fonts-100dpi
> xorg-fonts-75dpi              x11-fonts/xorg-fonts-75dpi
> xorg-fonts-encodings          x11-fonts/xorg-fonts-cyrillic
> xorg-fonts-miscbitmaps                x11-fonts/xorg-fonts-miscbitmaps
> xorg-fonts-truetype           x11-fonts/xorg-fonts-truetype
> xorg-server                   x11-servers/xorg-server
> xpdf                          graphics/xpdf
> zip                           archivers/zip
> As said, any suggestion for other software to include is much
> appreciated.
> Have fun with FreeSBIE GMV!
> -- 
> Matteo Riondato
> FreeBSD Committer (http://www.freebsd.org)
> G.U.F.I. Staff Member (http://www.gufi.org)
> FreeSBIE Developer (http://www.freesbie.org)
> --
> FreeSBIE mailing list (http://www.freesbie.org)

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