Hi all,
I posted a message earlier today from the end of my rope and I think it
was a bit terse.  Apologies.

I'm hoping that someone might have some insight into a (different) problem
that's come up with inorm.

I'm analyzing three identical subjects.  The first two went through fine,
but the third is running into an error when I try to run inorm.  I'm not
sure what is causing this and I'm hoping someone has seen it before or can
understand what is going wrong.

Any help would be much appreciated.


[whatever:mystudy] (nmr-std-env) inorm-sess -sf sessid -df sesspar -fsd
bold -funcstem fmc -motioncor
Fri Jan  6 22:19:26 EST 2006
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
                     127983336   3073920 124909416   3%
RunList 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014
set: No match.
[whatever:mystudy] (nmr-std-env)

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