Great to know that this would not cause any problems. After I did stc first and 
named the file with the stc stem, I tried to use -mcin, -mcout, -smin, and 
-smout to specific the input and output file stems for motion correction and 
spatial smoothing in preproc-sess. I received error messages about some files 
not being there, etc. So I just renamed the stc files back to f.nii.gz files 
and then ran preproc-sess. Everything seemed to work. So I think renaming seems 
to work the best if one does not want to disturb things too much.

On Jun 6, 2018, at 12:46 AM, Douglas Greve 
<<>> wrote:

That sounds ok, I don't think it will cause problems. You can also do whatever 
preprocessing you want and then specify the input data with the -funcstem 
option to mkanalysis-sess

On 6/5/18 8:16 PM, Xu, Yaoda wrote:
OK, I realized that I was running under Freesurfer 5.3 and not 6.0. Once I was 
running under the correct version, things were running as intended.

I was told that in fs-fast, motion correction (mc) has to go before slice 
timing correction (stc). For my data, I need to run stc before mc. So I found 
this work around method: What I did was to run slice timing correction by 
running stc-sess on the .nii files, rename these stc corrected files back to 
its original name (and thus pretended they were the original files), and then 
run preproc-sess without stc. Everything seemed to run through so far to the 
GLM stage. Does this work around sound OK? Would it cause any problem in the 
analysis down the line?

Thanks a lot,
- Yaoda

On Jun 1, 2018, at 6:43 PM, Xu, Yaoda 
<<>> wrote:

I tried to use preprocess-sess with -sdf, here is the error message:

ERROR: Flag -sdf unrecognized.

I attach here the slice timing. I saved it in a .txt file and tried “-sdf 
slicetimingfile” but got the above error message.

Instead of using preproc-sess directly, I tried to use stc-sess to correct for 
timing and then planned to rename the file to the appropriate name to use 
preproc-sess. But stc-sess would not take -sdf either. In theory, these steps 
should allow me to do STC first and then MC in fs-fast, right?

Here is the slice timing:
slice time
no.    (ms)

1 0.0
2 772.5
3 65.0
4 837.5
5 127.5
6 900.0
7 192.5
8 965.0
9 257.5
10 1030.0
11 322.5
12 1092.5
13 385.0
14 1157.5
15 450.0
16 1222.5
17 515.0
18 1287.5
19 580.0
20 1350.0
21 642.5
22 1415.0
23 707.5
24 0.0
25 772.5
26 65.0
27 837.5
28 127.5
29 900.0
30 192.5
31 965.0
32 257.5
33 1030.0
34 322.5
35 1092.5
36 385.0
37 1157.5
38 450.0
39 1222.5
40 515.0
41 1287.5
42 580.0
43 1350.0
44 642.5
45 1415.0
46 707.5
47 0.0
48 772.5
49 65.0
50 837.5
51 127.5
52 900.0
53 192.5
54 965.0
55 257.5
56 1030.0
57 322.5
58 1092.5
59 385.0
60 1157.5
61 450.0
62 1222.5
63 515.0
64 1287.5
65 580.0
66 1350.0
67 642.5
68 1415.0
69 707.5

- Yaoda

On Jun 1, 2018, at 5:21 PM, Douglas Greve 
<<>> wrote:

You will need to know how many slice groups were used in the
acquisition, fsfast will not know that. preproc-sess should accept a
slice-timing with with -sdf (though this is not listed in the help).
What is the error that you are getting? There is no way to do STC before
MC in fsfast. When you have interleaved slices, there are arguments for
each order (when the slices are acquired continguously, then MC should
always go first).

On 5/31/18 11:42 PM, Xu, Yaoda wrote:
Dear all,

I am trying to do slicing timing correcting with Siemens’s 3T Prisma data at 
acceleration 3. I am told that I can use “-ngroups” when running 
"preproc-sess”. How do I use the “-ngroups” flag? Should I do “-ngroups 3”? 
Would fs-fast automatically compute the slice timing file and apply it 
accordingly? I have the actual slice timing file. I tried to use "-sdf 
slicedelayfile”, but it does not seem to be a recognized flag.

It appears that fs-fast does slice timing correction after motion correction. 
If the volume is going to be resliced after motion correction, thus each slice 
will no longer have its original timing, shouldn’t slice timing correction be 
done before motion correction? Is there a way in fs-fast to run slice timing 
correction before motion correction? I guess instead of running “preproc-sess”, 
I could first run “sts-sess” and then “mc-sess”?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

- Yaoda Xu

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