On 1/18/06, david turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This suspiciously looks like the errors Visual C++ gives you when you do *not* disable pre-compiled headers.
What compiler flags did you use ?

Here is what I am doing:

I creating a Win static library project for freetype. I do not select to have pre-compiled header. I add the required source files for compilation. This creates a ".dsp" file. I pass on this .dsp file to the msdev executable, like:

msdev freetype.dsp /MAKE "freetype - Win32 Debug" /REBUILD /USEENV /OUT build.log

Before all of this, I had included the src/ and include/ directory in the $INCLUDE variable.

Also with freetype 2.1.10 there are no more autohint source files in the bundle and the freetype.dsp which is shipped with 2.1.10 still looks for autohint source files, which I guess is an issue, although its totally different from what we are discussing.

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