In addition to whatever aerodynamic advantage derives from the "V"
formation, another advantage might be that each bird (except the leader)
has only to keep one other bird in sight to maintain its position and,
therefore, to stay on course.  The only other formation that I can think
of that has this property is a diagonal line--that is half a "V".

Maybe the frigate birds in Mazatlan had a destination (Cancun?) but the
ones in the Yucatan did not because it wasn't the season to migrate.
You were in Mazatlan in the fall.  What time of the year were you in

Frank C. Wimberly
140 Calle Ojo Feliz              (505) 995-8715 or (505) 670-9918 (cell)
Santa Fe, NM 87505           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Hugh Trenchard
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2007 7:42 PM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
Cc: Gottfried Mayer
Subject: [FRIAM] observations of complex phenomena while in Mexico

I am a lurker on this listserv and find many of the discussions here 
interesting and valuable.  Recently I was in Mexico and noticed a couple
interesting complex phenomena I thought I would share with this group.

The first relates to frigatebird formations and ties in with
observations of 
these birds I made last year.  Last year, when in Mazatlan, I noticed
frigatebirds often hover and glide for several minutes at a time without

flapping and that they tend to glide in disorderd configurations until
spontaneously undergo a phase change (it seems to me) when they align in
formations - still gliding nonetheless.  These are fantastic sights to
since the birds seem to hang in the air in these vee formations without 
passing across the sky at the relatively high speeds of geese, for

This year, in Cancun, I noticed frigatebirds gliding in disordered 
configurations and, waiting patiently for the phase change, I was 
disappointed when these changes did not occur.  I wondered if I was 
imagining the alignments I saw last year in Mazatlan, but fairly certain
wasn't, I speculate why the phase changes did not occur among the birds
saw in Cancun.  Firstly it's possible the frigatebird colonies on the 
Caribbean side of Mexico simply don't undergo these formations, being a 
slightly different sub-species or what have you.  Perhaps, but I
that the wind speeds are the primary factor in determining whether
phase changes occur.

In Mazatlan last year in late Sept/early October, the wind speeds were
I recall.  In Cancun, wind speeds were significantly higher.  I suggest
gliding in vee formations can only occur between a certain range of wind

speed - if wind speed is too low, the birds cannot glide at all; if too 
high, they can glide, but they cannot align in vee formations.  The
range allows frigate birds to draft when gliding behind another while 
maintaining position, but above the range the drafting effect is too
and the birds get "sucked" through - or tend to fall, it looked to me -
low pressure areas and cannot hold their positions.

Drafting ordinarily has the effect of saving energy (a la cyclists in a 
peloton), but if birds are gliding and already saving substantial energy
not flapping their wings, I wondered whether any significant energy
benefit can be derived by aligning in vee formations while gliding.  At 
first I thought not, but gliding inevitably requires some energy - small

muscle coordination and positional adjustments - not as costly as
wings, but some energy is required.  When frigatebirds form vees, I 
hypothesize there is in fact significant energy savings for those birds
drafting positions - small muscle contractions for positional
may be reduced, and birds in these formations will expend less energy.
would not, I suggest, align in these ways if it were not for some energy

savings benefit.

Because frigatebirds do not generate the higher air pressure behind
which to 
draft, such as geese do, or cyclists do, or fish in water do by
themselves through the medium (air or water), I suggest this form of
savings constitutes a third type of "drafting".  The other is energy 
reduction by huddling, such as penguins undergo.  So I suggest three
of drafting occurrences:

        I       Occurs when system components generate effective air or 
liquid pressure as they propel themselves through the medium; eg.
pelotons, fish schools, geese in vees;

        II      Occurs when system components remain stationery and air
liquid pressure is generated externally; eg frigatebirds in vees while 
gliding and remaining more or less positionally stable, and possibly
types of fish (here I suggest this may occur in fish swimming upstream,
as salmon, which may hold themselves in a stationery position against
flow of the water - I haven't specifically observed any interesting
formations as a result, although I have watched salmon swim upstream and

speculate drafting formations do occur)

        III     Occurs when system components remain stationery and 
environment temperature drops; eg. penguin huddles

Type I exhibit phase changes from disordered states to ordered states
back again through hysteresis loops. For cyclists, when peloton speeds
higher than a critical speed/drafting threshold, disorder in the peloton

occurs.  In a peloton, density is generally higher at low speeds and
decreases as speeds increase.  At a relatively high threshold speed, a 
peloton loses cohesiveness entirely.  To resume cohesion, peloton speeds

must fall to a lower threshold to resume cohesive formations (I've
and documented this).  The loop is clockwise (speed on Y axis,
on X) , but is the inverse of vehicle traffic hysteresis, for example,
density increases as speed decreases (note that drafting is not a factor

For frigatebirds, because order increases as windspeed increases to a 
threshold range, above which disorder occurs, wind speeds must only drop
within the critical range for order to occur again. As a result the 
hysteresis loop may not exist or is not as evident. I tentatively
this windspeed range is approximately equivalent to the magnitude of 
drafting benefit derived when birds are in drafting formations;
the height of the hysteresis loop in drafting cyclists is related to the

drafting benefit derived (but may not precisely match it).

So drafting parameter seems to represent a constant that manifests
itself in 
related but different ways.  For example, in Type 1 situations, drafting

parameter indicates the magnitude of the hysteresis loop; in Type II
there is no hysteresis, drafting parameter indicates the magnitude of
critical range of speeds within which certain formations occur. Drafting

parameter is thus also a general principle underlying the self-organized

complex behaviour of a number of different systems.

For Type III (penguin huddles), density/order increases as temperature
(requiring greater energy output to remain warm, so a decrease in 
temperature is equivalent to an increase in speed in Type I situations);

density/order decreases as temperature increases to some threshold,
which there is no huddle cohesion. Presumably at some very cold
the huddle cannot generate enough heat and disintegrates by penguins 
freezing to death. In the direction of temperature increase, the
loop occurs when disorder occurs at a critical temperature, but must
fall to 
some lower threshold temperature for the huddle to occur again.

In any event there is a lot more analysis to be made, and I have more to
even now, but here are a few observations.  Basically, my point is that 
through my frigatebird observations, I've identified a third type of 
drafting situation.  I had already identified the peloton (which is
and well documented) and huddle situations (which is not as obvious and
well documented).  _____________

The second, slightly less rigourous observation I made when in Cancun
was a 
clustering effect among cabs. In Cancun, and likely many parts of
all cabs are required to be of the same colors, so they are all easy to 
spot.  There are also many, many cabs in Cancun - it appears about one
six vehicles is a taxi.

On the roads, it appeared to me that frequently cab clusters, or several

cabs near each other, would be driving within two degrees of each other,

often within one degree.  One explanation is that they often originate
the same location, many waiting at high person-density locations like
airport, the bus station, etc.  However, I am not sure this explains the

clustering on the roads, as cabs leaving from high density locations
not leave simultaneously when fares are widely distributed in time; they

also do not have the same destinations.  So, clustering must be due to 
something else, I think.

Firstly, cab drivers tend to drive faster than the rest of the traffic, 
especially when they have a fare on board.  I am wondering if their fast

driving and deft abilities at weaving in and out of traffic allows them
agglomerate at stop lights.  As traffic approaches stop lights, the
driving traffic still leaves enough space for faster traffic further
from the light to slip through and make up a few spaces, even as traffic

closest to the stop lights slow down and increase density.  After a few
lights, faster traffic "sifts" through to the front, and ends up at the 
front.  This is just an idea, and no doubt there are a number of
with it (for example if cabs also tend to go through yellow and red
reducing agglomeration).  Nonetheless, if the phenomenon is real - and I

observed it to occur more often than just chance would seem to explain -

then there must be a reason for it.

In any event, I would be interested in any input others may have about
of these subjects.

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