Be there within the hour. Want anything? TJ's is on the way.

On Jul 2, 2011, at 6:03 PM, Steve Smith wrote:

Nick, Peter -

It is good to see the curmudgeons with their curmudgeons out. Maybe we can get Doug to flail (swirl?) his too! <grin> and I think we have a few others here as well...

Meanwhile, we are having a soiree tonight that I invite you (all) to, to celebrate the rain falling on the fire just uphill from us... Sort of a raindance, our native (Lakota) friend begged off cuz he's going to a sweat tonight and Doug is out of pocket himself, oh wait... Nick is in Massachusetts (damn you have a lot of ss's and tt's in that state name!) ! Peter.. if you are game, you can find us via google maps at 3 Bundy Rd, Otowi, NM... we'll be reveling for a number of hours yet! No basin-drain experiments, however... I promise (hope?)!

Funny thing is that the rain is falling *strictly* inside the San Ildefonso and Santa Clara boundaries. Of course this is very good news as Santa Clara Canyon and just north were the most threatening parts of the fire of late. I think they might be dead out from that. No evidence of same in the south or west... and Pacheco Canyon looks like it's getting a bit of a dousing, but I can't see for the smoke (steam)?

Carry on!
 - Steve
But peter. I actually did an experiment. So, your criticism has to shift from calling me an air head to calling my experiment dumb … and,, presumably, having reasons why it’s dumb.


From: [] On Behalf
Sent: Saturday, July 02, 2011 5:16 PM
Subject: [FRIAM] A Happy Thought (experiment)

I was amazed to learn that gedanken experiments involve so much depth. I had thought thought experiments were just simple tests that it would be VERY nice to do, but for various reasons could not be executed. Like having all gedanken foolosofers leap from high buildings (under humane and controlled conditions) and their trajectories measured to determine whether they obey the laws of gravity and Newton.

Peter Lissaman, Da Vinci Ventures

Expertise is not knowing everything, but knowing what to look for.

1454 Miracerros Loop South, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505,USA

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