In case anyone else like me didn't know this-
As of of Chrome version 45 NO plugins, no addons and only extensions
somewhat work--sort of.
I ran into this when I found out that this laptop I use for work updated
and suddenly the java  powered app didn't work.  The laptop is nice because
it's light and it's powercell seems to last all day.

I did some digging just to see if  some setting I had somehow hit or what
have you was the gremlin. Nope from what i gather as of Chrome v44 on quite
a few addons and plugins were given the boot.

If anyone particular cares about the history or work arounds that might
work good news is good ol fation FireFox quietly picked up some od that
slack adding some  Chrome specific addons to work not quite as zippy but

WHY did they do all that:
It seems like the source of all the issues is Oracle's JavaPlugin.

It'd seem the to companies don't play well, much less with others. I don't
know who said who had cooties LOL.



Why does firefox seem perfectly ok with Java(Plugin) while Google's Chrome
team and Apples Safari folks said no?
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