did you order a copy?  I appreciated the irony of this edition being
printed with hot type...  though I suspect the original edition in 1940
was too... there weren't a lot of options in those days (could have been
hand-set cold type instead).

According to my 9/11 conspiracy friends those termites were Genetically
Engineered by the Illuminati and placed in the Twin Towers by George W.
Bush and Dick Cheney personally, so that when the airliners struck them,
they would collapse completely rather than just be smoldering stubs on
the skyline. 

On 3/9/19 3:12 PM, Nick Thompson wrote:
> All,
> http://bestsciencefictionstories.com/2009/09/10/an-etaoin-shrdlu-limited-edition/
> I also remember a sf short story about a very hot summer in NYC in
> which the termites began to eat the steel girders.
> N
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