On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 01:09:09 +0200, yossarian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But Dear Backyard - have you applied for a job at yahoo as a security pro?
> Apparantly you know what they should know and you are willing to tell
> them.... If not - give it a try.

No sorry, i'm one of these underground nerd / geeks or whatever label
one stamps on such people.

I might annoy them for a job one day, for now i'm happy being a pro
activist via e-mail. I can do more for Yahoo! by not working for them.
If you work for someone you can't speak out and criticize bad

My heart is with Yahoo!, I grew up with Yahoo! and will continue to
assist them when some incident arrises from within the underground
paternity, even if I do backstab them from time to time.

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