On Tue, Feb 09, 2010 at 12:53:32PM +0100, Nathan H?sken wrote:
> A function that refits all windows on the screen by making minmal
> adjustments.
> Lets say I have 3 windows. I put one in top right, on in bottom right
> and one on the left.
> I do this roughly with the mouse.
> Now if the do not overlap, I can "grow" every one by letting them take
> all free space.
> But if they only overlap a little, that would not work.
> So a function, that makes the current active windows on the screen take
> all free space without overlap, by moving windows as little as possible
> would be really cool.
> Does anything like this exist or is possible?

FvwmRearrange has already been mentioned, but it does not do quite what
you want; as you say, it applies a predetermined layout rather than
keeping your windows close to how you had them.

I have written a "tiling" module, FvwmPiazza, which, alas, also goes the
route of "apply a layout"; however, it is more versatile than
FvwmRearrange; for one thing, it applies its layouts automatically (per
desktop) so that you don't have to fiddle around with rearranging your
windows every time.  Also, it provides more kinds of layout than
FvwmRearrange does (for example, the "Tall" layout, which gives one
window on one half of the desktop, and N windows on the other half).


Note that I consider this beta code; it works (I've been using it since
last year) but needs polish (including better docs).

I would love contributions of additional layouts (they're done as
plugins, so new layouts are easy to add), or any feedback for
improvements.  This is a work in progress. 8-)

Kathryn Andersen
 _--_|\     | Kathryn Andersen  <http://www.katspace.org>
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