Here's my +1 for Ralf's proposal!

Actually, I liked the way of using an entry class. But I just liked it as there 
were not enough real-world examples around at the time I started to work with 
ZF 0.1.5. For a beginner a Zend class entry point definitely makes sense. It's 
always nice to "have something in your hands". But all this just because of a 
lack of documentation. Things have changed and the Zend developers lately 
focused a lot on documentation. Also by the 1.0 release there will be a lot of 
real-world sample applications around and nobody is afraid any more of using 
Zend_Registry instead of an inconsistent schizophrenic Zend base class.

I still believe we need to write a lot of bootstrap & application structure 
recommendations for various use cases. But we are not yet at 1.0.
And besides, below-1.0 there is no arguing "help, it will break my code!" if we 
are facing an important change towards better consistency.


Ralf Eggert wrote:
> Hi,
> I personally think that the proposed renaming of the Zend class to
> Zend_Framework is very misleading. I would expect that a Zend_Framework
> class will set up the whole framework and not be just a funny
> conglomeration of methods who did not find their way to a proper component.
> Here are my suggestions:
> - move Zend::register(), Zend::registry(), Zend::isRegistered(),
>   Zend::initRegistry() and Zend::__unsetRegistry() to Zend_Registry
> - drop Zend::exception() and Zend::loadInterface()
> - move Zend::loadClass(), Zend::loadFile() and Zend::isReadable() to
>   a new Zend_Loader class
> - as suggested by others, move Zend::dump() to Zend_Debug
> - the only method I am not sure about yet is Zend::compareVersion() but
>   I bet we will find a solution for this as well
> Like others I would also suggest to implement these changes before the
> 0.9.0 beta release gets launched.
> Best Regards,
> Ralf

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