Mmmm,.... So, it seems the case is closed since I've already resolved my problem.

Thanks Saša Stamenković and Victor.


On 10.01.05 21:32, Саша Стаменковић wrote:
No, hidden field is the right way to go.

Saša Stamenković

On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 1:40 PM, Enkhbilguun Erdenetsogt < <>> wrote:

    Thanks Victor.
    I understood that you suggested me to use hidden field to properly
    identify which form is been posted. Yes I solved my problem with
    hidden field an hour ago. However I just wanted to know if there
    is any helper or controller action command that gets the posting
    form name. If learn that, I'm about to make my scripts much
    smarter and reliable ^o^

    Thanks a lot ;-)
    -Enkhbilguun Erdenetsogt

    On 10.01.05 20:01, Victor Farazdagi wrote:

        Are you looking for something along the following lines:

              $request = $this->getRequest();
              $post = $request->getPost();
              if(isset($post['formId']) === false || $post['formId']
        != 'surveygetform') {
                  $this->view->surveyForm = $form;
                  return; // no need to process some other form was

        Basically, in your controller action which process form, you
        check the ID, so you know which form has been submitted.

        Hope this helps,

        Enkhbilguun Erdenetsogt wrote:


            Could you help me to retrieve getting form tag attribute
            id value?

            I have two forms in each of pages. One of them is called
            from a different controller via $this->action('action',
            'controller'); as a sidebar survey form.

            When I click any form's submit button the survey form,
            located at sidebar, returning error of specific fields are
            empty. Of course there can't be any survey answers, since
            the posting form is not the survey form.

            I think that's because I didn't write a function checks if
            the poster is survey form. So I assigned form name
            (actually ID attribute) for the survey form. Now I really
            can't solve my issue since I don't know how to retrieve
            the form id attribute.

            Do you know how?

            <form id="surveygetform">

            Enkhbilguun Erdenetsogt

<<attachment: enkhbilguun.vcf>>

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