Thank you for having clarified this point.
-- Guillaume ORIOL<>  wrote
(on Wednesday, 10 February 2010, 12:49 PM +0100):
Searching for a solution to a dojo ComboBox issue, I've found an old
on this topic.

The problem is: as the ComboBox dijit permits to enter a value that
is not in the list, once this value has been saved, how can we
display a form to edit the saved value.

Matthew Weier O'Phinney was pointing that "setting the value to a
value not in the list simply will not work". And Cameron suggested a
workaround for it.

Any plan to change the ComboBox behaviour?
Well, you'd have to change it in Dojo.

ComboBox is like a combination<select>  and text<input>. It allows you
to enter text freeform, and if that text matches selections provided to
it, makes it easy to choose one of those matches -- it's basically
autocompletion. That said, you can also simply use it as a dropdown, or
as a text input -- both are valid use cases. Additionally, the source
for the select options does not have to be present at element
definition; the dijit can point to a remote store, and the
select options can be retrieved dynamically, and the server can use the
provided input to do selective matching when returning values.

The ComboBox dijit itself only allows setting a default value that
matches one of the select options; anything else will be ignored. The
only way we could counter that in ZF is to take the value provided and
add it to the select options. However, this is not viable in situations
where a remote store is being used to populate the options.

Basically, the behaviour you want cannot be achieved with ComboBox;
you'd need to write your own custom dijit and corresponding ZF form


Guillaume ORIOL
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