En/na Tchekov.Net ha escrit:
> Dear all,
> need help on compiling Gambas.
> Have tried to install Gambas 2.9 on Xubuntu in Virtual Machine.
> Evrth. went good, but I have overseen the version warning for the libtool (I
> was really dumb ...), so the compiling was not successfull (libtool 2.2.24
> was installed on my Xubuntu).
> So using Synaptic I have "completely" removed the libtool 2.2.24; Then
> downloaded the required version 1.5.12 (configure, make, make install went
> successfull).
> BUT the Gambas compilation is still not successfull - after reconf and
> configure, make still breaks with libtool version warning (2.2.24).
> I think there is some kind of string, which is not set to the proper value,
> since I have now the proper version on libtool, but may be not properly
> "registered".
> Any suggestion? Or should I reinstall Xubuntu :-(
> Thank you very much in advance
> kind regards
> Emil


Try to reconf-all, configure and make in a clean new tree project.

Best regards,


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