Le mardi 16 décembre 2008 12:20:06 wig, vous avez écrit :
> > wig wrote:
> >> Although I can create table by table from within Gambas with
> >> hCon.Databases.Add(sDbName), I wondered if there is a way to "import" a
> >> mysql dump file, so that I can create the tables with data (in one
> >> command).
> >>
> >> Untill now I allways used phpMyAdmin dump/export and import for creating
> >> the database structure and initial data, but I want to integrate it in
> >> my
> >> Gambas application.
> >
> > You could use the EXEC command to run the appropriate mysqlsomething
> > utility (don't recall which)
> >
> > Regards
> > Werner
> I couldn't get it to work with EXEC;
>   sImport = "< " & Application.Path & "/mytables.sql"
> ' ...
>   EXEC ["mysql", sUser, sPassword, sHost, sDatabase, sImport]
> Everything works fine except the last part that gives the file to read
> from.
> I get the general help of mysql, not a specific error like when I change
> the password to a wrong one.
> Maybe there is a difference between the normal parameters and the way to
> give the file to import from?
> I could get it to work with SHELL though:
>   sImport = "< " & Application.Path & "/mytables.sql"
> '...
>   sCommand = "mysql " & sUser & " " & sPassword & " " & sHost & " " &
> sDatabase & " " & sImport
>   DEBUG sCommand
>   SHELL sCommand WAIT
> Ok!  Don't know which is the "preferred" way but this works.

to save your base you can use this Gambas command.

SHELL "mysqldump" & " " & "-u" & " " & db.Login & " " & "-p" & db.Password & " 
" & "Name-of-your-base" & " " & "--add-drop-table" & " " & ">" & " " & 
User.home & "/Name-of-your-base.sql" & " 2>/tmp/result" WAIT

To restore your base you can use this.

  IF IsNull(db.Password) THEN  'if no password
    SHELL "mysql" & " " & "-u" & " " & db.login & " " & "Name-of-your-base" & 
" " & "<" & Sauves.Text & "/Name-of-your-base.sql" & " 2>/tmp/result" WAIT
    SHELL "mysql" & " " & "-u" & " " & db.login & " " & "-p" & db.Password & " 
" & "Name-of-your-base" & " " & "<" & Sauves.Text & "/Name-of-your-base.sql" & 
" 2>/tmp/result" WAIT

Note: 2>/tmp/result is for intercept the command shell error 
I hope this script help you.



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