Am Donnerstag, 18. Dezember 2008 00:01:13 schrieb Doriano Blengino:
> Charlie Reinl ha scritto:
> Oops, perhaps my sentence was too loud.
> Just to clarify: I am 45 years old. I don't know if I am old enough to
> speak like an old man (I think "no") and no, I never seen the World War
> 2nd.
> My sentence was mainly ironic, but there is a little truth in it. One
> does not become old in one step - there is a whole life in between. But,
> step by step, we all approach a different style of thinking. So, my
> thought is no more the same as when I was 20.
> If I was 20, I would think "Wow! This new email client strips off the
> signature, along with advertising!". Now, I think "I am really annoyed
> by libraries, marketing, profits, C sources, investors, banks,
> insurances, lawyers, bad people, tarballs, dependencies. Why I have to
> see all this advertising rubbish and all this compiling problems?". The
> next step will be "Computers are so complicated, and the whole world is
> so wrong...". At that time, I will be "old".
> At this time, I am not old enough to hate computers, but I am on the
> way: I hate javascript and flash graphics in stupid web pages, spamming,
> advertising and MS Word documents in emails, viruses and trojans, Wi-Fi,
> and a fair quantity of contemporary music...
> Sad to say, but the only place where things are not getting worse is
> this new wind of Linux and free software. I hope that this new wind has
> fertile lands to invade.
> Well - this is enough. Sorry for annoying anyone which could read this
> email. This is not the right place to speak about life.
> Cheers to everybody (should I sign or not? Ok, let's do it...),
> Doriano

Full Ack for this post! :-)


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