Am Samstag, 3. Januar 2009 schrieb Emil Tchekov:
> > drive.  I haven't hooked any USB drives up to my Ubuntu server since I
> > upgraded so I don't know if every distro has logs that look like that, or
> > just Mandriva.
> >
> > Rob
> Good idea - /var/log/messages should be present on every linux
> looking in there can provide interesting infos... (be base for usefull GUI
> apps). May be coupled with comparing current time / log time in order to
> look only for current "events"...
> The problem ist - as normal user you are not allowed to read it...

You (or better the administrator) can create a named pipe (with mknod) and 
direct parts of the log infos additionally to this named pipe. So the 
syslog.conf needs to be edited and a line like " | YourNamedPipe"
may be added, which say, the all the log messeages from the kernel shout 
additional go throug the named pipe. Of course the syslog-daemen needs to be 
restartet or instructed to reread its config file.

Hope that helps

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