> On Sunday 22 February 2009, Benoît Minisini wrote:
> > > Ok done the job for gambas-3 svn-1883.
> > >
> > >
> > > First take note Charlie and me have the same errors
> > > Both are using kubuntu 8.04 instead of 8.10 !!
> >
> > Aaaa! Sorry I have understood that you used Kubuntu 8.10 - This is the
> > reason why I installed Kubuntu 8.10.
> I did write this in al the mail/logs.
> > I have fixed an uninitialized variable in gbi.c source code that explains
> > the problem you get. The gcc compiler told nothing about that, so I
> > didn't see it. Moreover, this uninitialized variable was for a gbi
> > feature that I don't even use!
> Glad you found it, even the most experienced programmers can sometimes do
> wrong things, I do too after 2009-1976=33 years of programming. (intel
> 4040)
> > So, please test the revision #1885 and tell me!
> In process.
> > If it solves the problem, then you will be happy, and I will find a bug
> > in the gcc compiler. If it don't, then I will call a marabout.
> >
> > And do not take my rants against Ubuntu seriously. :-)
> What rants?
> The way you like Mandriva. hmmmmmmmm
> It was Mandrake, a man spitting fire into nowhere?
> It was Connectiva, nothing connecting outside Brasil?
> So they joined to Mandriva but the correct name should be
> ConDrake, the connecting part and a drake in doing the rest.
> Just LOL. :)

I don't rant against Ubuntu for management reason - I have nothing to say 
about management.  :-)

I rant against Ubuntu for technical reasons: problems with Gambas compilation 
in the past, releasing an outdated version of Gambas, taking unstable packages 
from Debian and providing them even if they are buggy...

Technical problems in Mandriva are more related to their sometimes buggy and 
badly finished control center.

> > Usually, a random
> > behaviour always come from an uninitialized variable, but I was confused
> > by the gcc's silence and the fact that I thought you used Kubuntu 8.10.
> This is the source of the gv4l problem too.
> The 8.04 team did use a older v4l2 package and the 8.10 a newer version.
> I did not say they created the videodev themself as Garret suggest I do.
> > Regards,
> gcc silence sounds bad. But to be safe I also take notice of compiler
> warnings. It gives a sign of possible bad/unexperience programming practice
> too. For home projects not so important but as distributed opensource???

Warnings are not important if you know what you are doing. But an 
uninitialized variable is always a bug in your program - except if you are 
writing OpenSSH :-). The fact that it is a warning is strange, even if the 
compiler knows that for sure (sometimes he cannot because of code branches). 
And when it does not tell anything, what can I do?



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