On Fri, 13 Mar 2009 01:08:34 pm Bruce wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I am having a lot of trouble with this.
> I am trying to update a "temporary" table, say "tmp" in postgresql on a
> name matching basis using the gb.db.form databrowser control.  Essentially
> I have a little app where the user opts to add a name or match a name. 
> This app updates "tmp" setting flags based on the user's choice for a row.
> It works fine and dandy most of the time and I have even figured out how to
> successfully cope with the O'Sullivans and O'Briens.  However, I am not
> winning at all when it comes to names like "Dick & Jane Smith".
> When the databrowser tries to update the row I get a busy cursor and the
> row update never completes. 

> The composite name field is the primary key on 
> the tmp table by the way.
> I can update the row using the gambas database manager (which OK is not
> using the databrowser).  Also what is important here is that it is not the
> name field that is being updated, just the two boolean fields for add and
> match.
> Can anyone give me some pointers here?
Some code would help.

I use postgres extensively - my base database with lookup 
tables/data/structure is about 100MB and I've 26 Schema's probably 100's of 
normalised tables/views and never have trouble.

I don't however use the database manager as I found it wouldn't read my 
database properly, thowing up an error, so I do it all by hand.

Logon, and post the queries in code. I don't use databound controls either, 
but load the data into whatever I want. Perhaps a hangover from my original 
Vb/access days when I didn't use the data controls.

If you post you code as a min-project (save it on the menu and attatch it) 
plus a dump of your database structure from pgadmin (with options plain, no 
owner  eg to a file mydb.sql I could have a look at what you are trying to 



> tia
> Bruce
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