
Call this function;

Public Function Test(a1 As Object, ByRef a2 As Long, a3 As Long, a4 As
Long, a5 As Boolean, a6 As Boolean, a7 As Long, a8 As Long, a9 As
Boolean, Optional ByRef a10 As Long, Optional ByRef a11 As Long,
Optional ByRef a12 As Long, Optional ByRef a13 As Long, Optional ByRef
a14 As Long) As Boolean
Dim SomeVariable As Integer

in anyway, and you got strange error message, unpredictable behaviour
or signal 11.
I called it this way:
Test(Null, 1, 1, 1, False, False, 1, 1, False)

And got message, which doesn't make much sense:
Type mismatch: wanted String, got Void instead.

Bug occurs on Ubuntu 9.04 64bit with Gambas 3 revision 1954.


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