This is my first post here, and I'm new to programming.

I saw Gambas and thought I'd investigate as something to try to learn.

I'm using Gambas2 on Linux (PCLOS 2009.1), however Ive hit trouble right at the 

If I load Gambas2 and open the installed examples, I'm told they are read-only 
and when I click run, they compile and run as expected.

However, if I move any of them to my home directory and try to compile and run 
them, all I see is a message in the bottom left saying "compiling project 
<whatever project I try>" but nothing runs. Similar if I try to make 
executable, it prompts for a name and I get a similar message to that above, 
but nothing happens. Nothing runs and no file appears to be created.

However, If I make the folder in my home, my moved copy, effectively read only 
by changing the permissions of owner for the folder from 'can view and modify 
content' to 'can view content', I'm then told that the project is read only 
(expected) and then if I try to compile it seems to work OK.  

But now, I guess as its read only, there is no make executable option.

I also tried the simple 'hello world' example entering it all from scratch, and 
the same thing happens. I cannot get it to compile and run.

I guess I'm doing something daft as a new user, but, any ideas anyone?


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