Hi list,

I'm trying to refer to come couples Label/CheckBox that have the same suffix
(lbl_ONE & ckb_ONE) to enable/disable couple in one shot.

But after building my strings that are orders, GB tell me its not an object:

PUBLIC SUB lblckb_on_off(which AS String, on AS Boolean)
  DIM lbl AS String
  DIM ckb AS String
  lbl = "lbl_" & which & ".Enabled = "
  ckb = "ckb_" & which & ".Enabled = "
  IF onoff THEN   ' ON
    lbl &= "TRUE"
    ckb &= "TRUE"
    (SOMETHING TO "EXEC" THE STRING)lbl    (or may be: (SOMETHING)lbl = TRUE)

Is there a way to do that?

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