You're welcome MSulchan :)

I'm glad you solved that problem
and I'm glad I helped :)

Keep up the good work :)


On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 8:01 PM, MSulchan Darmawan <>wrote:

> Pada Tue, 25 Aug 2009 04:29:32 -0600
> Dimitris Anogiatis <> menulis:
> > give it a try MSulchan and tell me if it works for you
> Thank you Dimitris, after a little try and error, I change the code
> into like this :
>      IF IsNull(Val(sRain)) = FALSE THEN
>        IF InStr(LCase(sRain), "x") > 0 OR InStr(sRain, "-") > 0 OR
> InStr(sRain, ".") > 0 THEN
>            IF InStr(LCase(sRain), "x") > 0 THEN fRain = 0
>            IF InStr(sRain, "-") > 0 THEN fRain = 0
>            IF InStr(sRain, ".") > 0 THEN
>              sRainy = Replace(sRain, ".", ",")
>              fRain = Val(sRainy)
>            ENDIF
>        ELSE
>            fRain = CFloat(Val(sRain))
>        ENDIF
>      ELSE
>        fRain = -1
>      ENDIF
> Decided to change iRain (integer) to fRain (float).
> As Fabien told that Val() use current localization, so I need to change
> the decimal separator from dot to comma.
> And I think it is fast enough :D
> Thanks again.
> --
> Cheers,
> [-Sulchan-]
> Terbang dengan claws-mail 3.7.2
> Mendarat di hardy heron 8.04.3 LTS
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