Jean-Yves F. Barbier wrote:
> Ron a écrit :
>> Is it possible to catch events from a DataBrowser object?
>> Lets say
>> PUBLIC SUB DataBrowser1_MouseUp()
>> ...
>> END
>> PUBLIC SUB DataBrowser1_DblClick()
>> ...
>> END
>> The docs say those are valid but I cannot get it to work, they dont seem 
>> to get called, anyone use these?
>> Gambas 2.15.2, qt.
> Wild guess: they're preempted by the sorting command it applies to a column
> when you click on its header.
> JY
Ok,  found it out myself just now.

I wanted to catch a click on a row of a DataBrowsers GridView so I can 
display an image alongside with the name of the text in column 0 of the 
row clicked.
So I implemented an Observer to peek at the DataBrowser.GridView events, 
and it worked!

Something like this:

PRIVATE hObserver AS Observer

PUBLIC SUB Form_Open()

  hObserver = NEW Observer(DataBrowser1.GridView) AS "GridObserver"


PUBLIC SUB GridObserver_Click()

  DisplayProduct(DataBrowser1.GridView[DataBrowser1.GridView.Row, 0].Text)


I love this language!


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