Dear all,

Any suggestion to simplify this code ? I had "Expression too complex,
too many operands" warning :D
I have 36 fields data to insert.

    sSql = "INSERT INTO refpos (id, idpos, year, month, day, " & 
                  "r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, " &
                  "r11, r12, r13, r14, r15, r16, r17, r18, r19, r20, " &
                  "r21, r22, r23, r24, r25, r26, r27, r28, r29, r30, r31" &
                   ") VALUES " &
           "('" & hRes!iddata & "', '" & hRes!idpos & "', '" & hRes!yr & "', '" 
& hRes!mn & "', '" & hRes!dt & "', '" &
           hRes!r1 & "', '" & hRes!r2 & "', '" & hRes!r3 & "', '" & hRes!r4 & 
"', '" & hRes!r5 & "', '" & hRes!r6 & "', '" & hRes!r7 & "', '" & hRes!r8 & "', 
'" & hRes!r9 & "', '" & hRes!r10 & "', '" & 
           hRes!r11 & "', '" & hRes!r12 & "', '" & hRes!r13 & "', '" & hRes!r14 
& "', '" & hRes!r15 & "', '" & hRes!r16 & "', '" & hRes!r17 & "', '" & hRes!r18 
& "', '" & hRes!r19 & "', '" & hRes!r20 & "', '" & 
           hRes!r21 & "', '" & hRes!r22 & "', '" & hRes!r23 & "', '" & hRes!r24 
& "', '" & hRes!r25 & "', '" & hRes!r26 & "', '" & hRes!r27 & "', '" & hRes!r28 
& "', '" & hRes!r29 & "', '" & hRes!r30 & "', '" & hRes!r31 &

Thanks for your valuable suggest,


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