2009/11/14 Jean-Yves F. Barbier <12u...@gmail.com>:
> Doriano Blengino a écrit :
> ...
>> I can't see two modes for this. My best thought about compilers is the
>> Borland Delphi 3 pascal compiler. It compiled something 4000 lines per

i've not done the test but gambas compile quickly !

with gbs :

gbs make a virtual project in tmp, compile it, execute the byte
code... and take less time than python for just execute the script

>> second on pentium II, which means that for an average project you didn't
>> even notice the compiling time. And I never found a bug in the compiler,
>> or language. Up to now, I didn't find something so fast, solid,
>> reliable. But I leaved the windows world, so I must adapt myself to
>> something else.

yes delphi was a great experience !... wath about freepascal and lazarus ?

> This is because Benoît is not working hard enough.
> We could go in together for a pot and buy him ball and chain, also tie him
> to his desk, send him pizzas and have a webcam survey with a buzzer to
> awake him.

arf... scarry !

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