Am 26.04.2010 11:31, schrieb Benoît Minisini:
>> Hi all,
>> One of my Gambas2 projects is a simple app that lets our students learn
>> typing. It blocks all Backspace etc. and counts keys/minute and so on.
>> In TextArea1_KeyPress() there is this part:
>>     IF key.Control THEN     'skip Ctrl+Key
>>       STOP EVENT
>>     ELSE                    'skip all those simple keys:
>>       SELECT CASE key.Code
>>       CASE key.BackSpace, key.BackTab, key.Delete
>>         STOP EVENT
>>       CASE key.Down, key.Up, key.Left, key.Right
>>         STOP EVENT
>>       CASE key.Home, key.End, key.PageDown, key.PageUp
>>         STOP EVENT
>>       CASE key.Control
>>         STOP EVENT
>>       END SELECT
>>     END IF
>> (Everything else there is just for counting and so on)
>> Today we found that it blocks accented keys (like in French) as well, so
>> there is no way to type é or è and such... The app has been running
>> under Gambas1 on this machine for several years, and I only upgraded it
>> to Gambas2 couple of weeks ago. So this might be a feature of Gambas2...
>> I cannot find anything wrong in the code above, do you see where the
>> code blocks accents?
>> Thanks for all your ideas!
>> Rolf
> Please provide the full code, and note that Key.Control has changed its
> meaning in Gambas 2 (it is not a key code).
> Regards,

Your answer pointed me to the right thing: the second

        CASE key.Control
          STOP EVENT
        END SELECT

was somehow confusing it. No idea what let me including it here, did it 
have any special effect in Gambas1? Anyway, when I quote it out, the 
accents are there again.

Thank you!


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