Benoît Minisini wrote:
> Hi,
> I have just committed a new big internal change for Gambas 3 in revision 
> #2970: structure support.
> It is not 100% finished, must most of the useful parts are there. If that 
> crashes your program - I will be amazed if it won't :-) - you know where to 
> knock.
> Now Fabien has just to finish, and I we will be able to release an 
> alpha version of Gambas 3. :-)
> But don't panic, there are a dozen of little things to do yet before the 
> final 
> release... The main thing are the package manager (I want it to be sure that 
> it works correctly for the release, and I will need help for that), and the 
> ability to release incremental versions of Gambas (3.1, 3.2...) that won't be 
> just bug fixes like in the 2.x versions.
> Enjoy it.

Structures seem perfect for storing temp database table data, and there 
is a lot of it in my project, so I'm thinking about how to implement this.

What is also great news is the fact that the major work is almost done 
and Gambas3 is growing to a more stable version now.




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