> Hi!
> TrayIcon seems to work perfectly,
> until program that uses it, is started at startup of OS.
> Program is started with following command;
> gbr2 /home/MyName/ProgramsName.gambas
> Program has following code:
> PUBLIC Kuvake AS NEW TrayIcon AS "TrayIkoni"
> PUBLIC SUB Form_Open()
>   Kuvake.Picture = Picture.Load("ikoni.png")
>   Kuvake.Show()
> ....
> Following problems:
> With GTK+, trayicon never appears, everything else works fine.
> With Qt, error message at startup:
> "
> This application has raised an unexpected error and must abort.
> Embedding has failed.
> FMain.?.0
> "
> Gambas 2.21 revision 3124 @ Ubuntu 10.04 64bit
> Jussi

The TrayIcon must be embedded in a System tray to work. The system tray is 
(usually) managed by the desktop panel, so maybe your desktop panel is not yet 
visible when your program is run?

Benoît Minisini

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