Good evening to all,

i test Lsr with a negative short and i get i thing wrong results.

  PRINT "Bin(-9)        :"; Bin(-9)
  PRINT "Bin(Lsl(-9, 1)):"; Bin(Lsl(-9, 1))
  PRINT "Bin(Lsr(-9, 1)):"; Bin(Lsr(-9, 1))

Bin(-9)       :1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111

Lsl is correct, it adds a 0 at the right and shift binary to left
Lsr i think is wrong

-9 is

Lsr(-9,1) should be

also i found in help
Lsr with a negative Short Number argument will have as result a Short
which has 32 bits, bits 16 to 31 are the result of shifted pattern

This is a Bug of Verion 1.9.28

Is this that case? This bug does still exist?

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