Syntax has changed in Gb3. See here for my Gambas2-Gambas3 scrapbook notes..

Happy porting!...


On Sun, Dec 12, 2010 at 12:42 AM, Kevin Fishburne
<> wrote:
>   Code looks like this:
>   ' General declarations.
>   Public server_port As Integer ' UDP port server listens on and client sends
>   data to.
>   Public server_ip As String    ' IP address of the server that client sends
>   data to.
>   Public mode As String         ' Mode to run game in ("client", "server").
>   Public  udp  As UdpSocket       ' UDP socket for client/server network
>   communication.
>   Public data As String         ' Stores incoming UDP data.
>   Public Sub Initialize()
>     ' Network initialization.
>     ' Create the UDP socket.
>     udp = New UdpSocket As "UDP"
>     ' Bind the socket to the appropriate port.
>     If udp.Status <= Net.Inactive Then
>       If mode = "server" Then
>         udp.Bind(server_port)
>          Console.Say(Time  &  "  -  Mode: " & mode & ", Server Port: " &
>   server_port)
>       Endif
>       If mode = "client" Then
>         udp.Bind(0)
>         Console.Say(Time & " - Mode: " & mode & ", Server IP Address: " &
>   server_ip & ", Server Port: " & server_port)
>       Endif
>     Endif
>   End
>   I'm currently trying to convert my app from gb2 to gb3, so this is working
>   in gb2. "udp.Bind(0)" returns the error, and though I haven't tested it yet
>   I'm thinking that "udp.Bind(server_port)" will also return the same error.
>   Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
> --
> Kevin Fishburne
> Eight Virtues
> www: [1]
> e-mail: [2]
> phone: (770) 853-6271
> References
>   1.
>   2.
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