To me, it could be implemented with one Gambas main program
and you SHELL or EXEC to your component Gambas programs.
Thus, they're only loaded when they run.
When they're done, they're freed.

---------- Original Message -----------
From: Sebi Kul <>
To: mailing list for gambas users <>
Cc: Benoît Minisini <>
Sent: Tue, 10 May 2011 23:04:28 -0300
Subject: Re: [Gambas-user] Dynamically loading components

> The reason for doing this is the following:
> I'm developing a project which would theoretically have 2 modules, the 
> base one (the program itself) and the online module, (which adds 
> synchronization capabilities). Because i would like to keep the classes 
> inside the Online module hidden, to avoid any security issues (the base 
> project is subversioned) i am including it as a separate component. 
> What i would like to do is let the base component look for the online 
> module, if it finds it, load it, if not, disable the sections in the 
> GUI that use this functions/classes.
> I managed to remove the compile errors by creating classes in the Base 
> project with the same name as in the Online component, and inheriting 
> the corresponding class. I just need to know how to load the component 
> only if the file exist.
> Thanks all for your help!
> On mar 10 may 2011 21:56:27 ART, Benoît Minisini wrote:
> >> Hi!
> >>
> >> I am using Gambas 3 to develop a modular application. I would like to
> >> know if it's possible to load components dynamically (If the component
> >> file exist, load it, if not, skip the execution code where the
> >> component's functions are called)
> >>
> >> What I have so far is this:
> >>
> >> ==========
> >> Try Component.Load("daily-school-online.gambas")
> >>
> >> If Component.IsLoaded("daily-school-online.gambas") Then
> >>     OnlineModuleLoaded = True
> >> Endif
> >> =========
> >>
> >> But for this to work, I have to add the component as a library on the
> >> projects setting dialog, meaning that if the file does not exist, the
> >> program wont start. I also have the problem that if I don't add the
> >> component as a library, the project wont compile, as the parser will
> >> find functions that don't exist on this project, but are declared on the
> >> component.
> >>
> >> Does anybody have any ideas on how to achieve this?
> > 
> > Why do you want to dynamically load components ?
> > 
> > In Gambas, the only reason for doing that is preventing the load of 
> > unneeded 
> > shared libraries (i.e. native components).
> > 
> > If you are not in that case, then you can put all your code in the same 
> > project. Gambas loads a class the first time it is used, so if you don't 
> > use a 
> > class, it will never be loaded.
> > 
> > Regards,
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------- End of Original Message -------

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