> On 21/05/11 20:02, Benoît Minisini wrote:
> >> My main form has a list view which allows the user to open a new form
> >> for each of the items when they double-click on a row, but if the detail
> >> form is already open then all I want to do is bring it to the "top".
> >> 
> >> Achieving this is being fouled by:
> >> 1) is there a collection/list/whatever of all the windows that belong to
> >> the Application
> > 
> > Windows
> > 
> > Pretty Obvious  8-)   Ya know what I really hate, I was browsing the help
> > today and I saw this and thought "Hey, that may come in handy someday"
> > and then prompty forgot all about it.  :-X
> Moving forward, I'll just use the tag property to track the instance.
> Is there a better way?

'Dunno why you need to "track" the instance.

> >> 2) when the user minimizes one of the detail windows, all the
> >> application windows are minimized
> > 
> > It depends on your Gambas version and the window manager you use.
> This is a weekend project, (for Little Athletics).  I'm trying to lower
> the benchmark as far as possible so we can use old laptops, so it's
> Openbox on gambas2 (Still waiting!).

In Gambas 2, the first opened window is the "main window". Minimizing it 
minimizes all other windows. Closing it closes all other windows. In Gambas 3, 
there is no automatic main window anymore. It is explicit.


Benoît Minisini

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