Salut Benoit,

I'm porting actually a gambas2 application to gambas3.

The application consists of several parts. These parts can be ran as
executable, or used as component (now Library) in other applications.

Now I remarked that while gambas2, when using a component, which it self
uses a component, provides/know this underlying component.

gambas3 doesn't, you have to declare in every applications.
Here a small example : 

application     | App_5 | App_4 | App_3 | App_2 | App_1
component       | App_4 | App_3 | App_2 | App_1 |
gambas2         |       | App_2 | App_1 |       |
libraries       | App_4 | App_3 | App_2 | App_1 |
gambas3         | App_3 | App_2 | App_1 |       |
                | App_2 | App_1 |       |       |
                | App_1 |       |       |       |


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