Am 22.11.2011 07:32, schrieb nando:
> You could run a second copy from the first. Place a specific word on the 
> command line as a
> parameter so that the copy will understand to show the specific screen desired
> and perhaps hide other menus.  You can tailor startup to do something specific
> based on command line parameter(s).
> -Nando

Basically I think this is a good idea. There are two things, however, 
which have to be considered here.

First, if your program writes configuration data e. g. via the 
gb.settings, only one of them must be able to do so when you close the 
program. I wouldn't know how to solve this with gb.settings. When you 
use your own function for it, you will be able to set a flag that keeps 
it from writing twice.

The main program must block its calendar part as long as the calendar 
part runs stand-alone. The calendar part must block the other functions 
on his side. Otherwise you might run into problems if some of the users 
think "oh now I don't feel to click back to this function on that 
screen, just do it here...". Users do so. Believe me :-)


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