Am 25.11.2011 07:33, schrieb nando:
> Benoit,
> I have a drawing_area and I draw a line from 0,0 to 150,200
> and I slowly move the drawing area off the left of the screen.
> The line does not continue with the drawing area off screen.
> Instead, it stops at the left of FMain and does not continue
> staying at (0,0) of drawing area
> _Draw is called from a timer to slide it off the left of the FMain
> -Fernando
> PUBLIC SUB DrawingArea1_Draw()
>    Draw.Image(hImage2, 100, 100)
>    DrawingArea1.x = DrawingArea1.x - 1
>    Draw.Begin(DrawingArea1)
>    Draw.LineWidth = 20
>    Draw.ForeColor = Color.Red
>    Draw.Line(0, 0, 200, 150)   '<-problem starts when DrawingArea1.x is<  0
>    Draw.End

Have you set the DrawingArea or the Form to Persistent = TRUE? That 
might help.


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