Le 07/04/2012 03:11, Ian Roper a écrit :
> Greetings,
> I tried to add and example Gambas example application to the web site.
> Following the below instructions.
> =======================================================================
> So you have to enter the following URL into your browser:
> http://gambasdoc.org/help/app/mygreatsoftware
> The wiki tells you that the page is not available. Then you click on the
> Create link.
> To fill the page contents, just open an already existing application
> page in editing mode, and use it as a template. Once done, just click on
> the Save button. That's all!
> ========================================================================
> You get challenged for user name and password when you click on the
> 'create' link.
> Regards,
> Ian Roper - Perth - Western Australia.

Tell me the password you want, and I will grant you a write access to 
the wiki.


Benoît Minisini

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