Le 04/05/2012 15:25, Bruce Bruen a écrit :
> Subtopic autotools
> autotools now works like a dream.  We have been distributing stuff via
> autotools for several days now and have only come across the following
> problem.
> "make uninstall" (as root) appears to work but in fact doesn't.  Given
> that we have installed "sysinfos-0.0.2.tar.gz" via the usual
>    unpack/cd src dir/ config/make/(root)make install
> then we can see it quite well via:
>      [root@bluecow ~]# which sysinfos.gambas
>      /usr/local/bin/sysinfos.gambas
> However, when I try to use the "uninstall" target, I get:
>      [root@bluecow sysinfos-0.0.2]# make uninstall
>      Removing sysinfos.gambas file... rm /usr/local/bin/sysinfos.gambas
>      [root@bluecow sysinfos-0.0.2]#

I think a "-f" option is missing to the 'rm' command thre. I will add it 
in the next revision, and you will tell me if it works.


Benoît Minisini

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