Am 07.02.2013 23:32, schrieb John:
> Hi,
> Not sure how to ask this question so I will just shoot and hope you 
> understand what I am trying to do. I am making a small app to manage Conky 
> scripts for two reasons, first is to help new users manage their Conky 
> scripts and the second reason is to use this project as example code for new 
> programers.
> I am wondering what would be the best widget to use to make that center 
> window. I need it to look at a file and list all the text/script files in the 
> file. Here is a link to a screenshot of what I want it to look like so you 
> will have a better idea.
> Thanks for any and all help in this.
> John

Hi John,

I do not clearly understand what you mean "center window". Do you mean 
the list in the window, or the "main" window with the list and other 
gadgets inside?

If your question is about the window and this window is the main form 
for your project, I would let it be FMain. Otherwise FMain could wait 
invisibly in the background and call this one as a dialog, maybe modal 
if you like that. Switch it to "Border Fixed" if that makes sense. Then 
you "Me.Center", that's it.

But if you meant the list, let us have an idea of how the data are 
structured so we can sort out the best way to present them.



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