
I get an error:

gb.form: FileView.CheckFilter.127: Bad regular expression: Missing '}'

when I set a particular class of Dialog.Filter strings which are actually
valid ones for LIKE. According to the docs, FileView uses LIKE to match its

Note that this error is only shown when gb.form.dialog is loaded (I think
because the enhanced Dialog uses a FileView, right?). Anyway, the file my
program creates for this test is not shown with either Dialog. (Is this a
distinct issue?)

Hmm, there are actually three points in this mail:
a) the file is not shown
b) Dialog of gb.form and the one of gb.form.dialog work differently with
   their Filter property (AFAICS) because gb.form's one doesn't seem to use
   LIKE but the FileView used in the latter does.
c) the error message

Project attached.


Attachment: dialog_filter-0.0.1.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

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