
in a project I need to start a server Process and watch its Kill event while
the program is running. The server shall, however, continue to run even
after my program exits.

I'm kind of stuck here: If I create a Process, Gambas keeps watching it and
doesn't shutdown the program until the process dies. Can I somehow tell
Gambas to forget about that Process and just exit?

I have used the Quit instruction until a minute ago (without any errors or
complaints) to get the program down ultimately but as I know this is a Bad
Idea: here's my mail.

Now I'm working around this problem like that: I use the Shell instruction
to start a shell as the child process Gambas watches. I can safely kill the
shell which makes Gambas happy and reparents the server to init which is
also fine. I have either to document this workaround because IMHO it's quite
subtle or have an explicit way of having Gambas forget about a Process...


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