Am 17.08.2013 10:48, schrieb Rolf Schmidt:
> Hi Rolf-Werner
>> When the whole thing runs from cron, it will deliver 0 Byte PDFs, but
>> the originals on the system are fine (the copies remain in the
>> directory). The mailing system does not see any error.
> Problems with cron usually result from missing pathes. Cron does not
> starts a shell with its enviroment. So you have to use absolut paths to
> your programm(s) and perhap setup environment variable if needed.
> Hope thät helps
> Rolf

At first, I thought this might solve it, but it's some problem within 
the external Perl script when called from a shell within a cron 
environment. It seems to have to do with paths, but it's beyond my 
reach, maybe a call to a Perl library.

In the end, I solved this by starting the mail transfer not from a shell 
within the Gambas program but afterwards. The sendEmail Perl script then 
runs on its own, called by a bash script, and reads the data from a list 
the Gambas program has prepared beforehand.

Calling myProgram.Gambas && myMailScript

runs flawlessly.

It's just a shame I didn't get the Gambas SMTP client to work, it would 
have made things a lot easier.



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