From: Willy Raets <>
> it will run for at least 5 years in the production environment it is
> being used. Why change what works just fine? Just because there is some
> new fancy stuff out there?
i 'm running a payroll system in debian lenny, 24/7 at 365 days and
ther's no reason to "upgrade" to winbuntu 10000 or debian "unstable"
due are the "lasted"
u have right men! that's stupid! why changes if works perfectly!!!

> @ Beno?t:
> Fact that will not run an a Ubuntu 12.04 is another of my
> concerns. In production and personal environment I always stick to the
> latest stable release (being 12.04 in buntu with a 5 year support cycle)
> and this advise I also give to friends that I got onto linux.
This was cuase ddue benoit use "too moderm up-to-date ultimate release
version" of gstreamer
i'm tyred of the software always constant in "upgrades upgrades upgrades"

of course, developer do not note that:
constant movement for support constant globalization! more upgrades
raises more requerimients so then more power to need so intel and amd
sell more and more

> Why does Gambas need to depend on stuff that doesn't run on the latest
> stable releases that are just 1 1/2 year out there and will be used for
> several years to come.
> Do we really need these hight dependencies when they only run on the
> latest unstable releases (releases I only run the in VMs for testing
> purposes and would never consider using in a production environment).ç
Another case are that the typically response "upgrade to lasted, its
fixed there"
so then stable releases are not fixed?

To @Kende and @Benoit
On Fri, 2013-11-15 at 12:15 +0100, Kende Kriszti?n wrote:
>> If you want, I backport the new '' component.

i try to backport the component, but do not work, i
backported for squeeze, for wheeze and for lenny inclusivelly the
gstreamer 0.10.31 (all componentes, and packages) and compile with
lasted ffmpeg, codecs etc, all repository have amount (including
packages for that taks) 8Gb..

but do not compile and said requeriments for 3.4.X only need
gstreamer 0.10.30 as minimun, i have instaled, correctly packages and
backported base sgtremaer 0.10.31, and 0.10.19 bad plugins, etc etc
and do not enable the compilation

nobody care this due are focused in "lasted up to date moderm stuff"

Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)

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