From: Fabien Bodard <>
> what give you :
> myreqinput =["nameinput"]
try it now, and then.....   surprise dont work !!! arrggggg

> And why are you using gb2 for webpages ??? gb3 compile on all
> plateform even some old.

sorry Fabian, was misctake from me.. i made the example inline on my
mail client...

I read documentation,
and said to difference
the request mus use Request.Get["inputname"] or Request.Post["inputname"]

1) documentation are very rare linked between topics, i cannot found
that info in normal logic way!
2) the method dont work, also i note from 3.4.X to 3.5.1 and trunk,
theres many commit around the topic ...

that request of post values not working currently?
there's another way to taken the values using post?


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