
I'm having a problem with Convert string to integer

where is my mistake? I get error message:
Type incompatibility expected integer, instead get string

Public Sub MySock_Read()
  ' When some data arrives from the remote
  ' part of the socket, "DataAvailable" event
  ' is raised
  Dim rx, rx2, rxtmp As String
  Dim pattern, result, s, element As String
  Dim i, ii, iii, frequenz, istZeile As Integer
 ' DIM reg AS Regexp
  Dim el, text, dxde, txcall, dxcall, dxtxt, utc, loca, tmpstr, NewDXZ,
DXCall_anfang, toall As String
  Dim band As String
 ' Dim qrg_i As Integer
  Dim qrg_i As Variant
  Dim qrg As String
  Dim dxprafix As String
  Dim dxcall_tmp As String
  Dim trenner As String
  Dim mh As String
  Dim dxland As String
  Dim flagge As String
  Dim sa, zeile, z As String[]
  Dim wp As Integer
  Dim wpa As String[]
  Dim wpi As Integer
  Dim dxcall_lng As Integer
  stunde = 0
  minu = 0
  sekunde = 0

  If MySock.Status = Net.Connected Then
      Read #MySock, rx, Lof(MySock)
      rx2 = rx
      If Mid$(rx, 1, 6) = "To ALL" Then
          Textedit1.richText = Textedit1.richText & "<font color=red>"
          toall = "ok"
      End If
      If Mid$(rx, 1, 3) = "WWV" Then
          TextEdit1.richText = TextEdit1.richText & "<font color=blue>"
          toall = "ok"
      End If
      If Mid$(rx, 1, 3) = "WCY" Then
          TextEdit1.richText = TextEdit1.richText & "<font color=blue>"
          toall = "ok"
      End If

If Mid$(rx, 1, 5) = "DX de" Then
      '_ DX Meldung läuft ein                      _

        dxde = Mid$(rx, 1, 5)
         rx = Trim(Replace$(rx, "DX de ", ""))
         i = InStr(rx, " ")
        txcall = Mid$(rx, 1, i)
         rx = Trim(Replace$(rx, txcall & " ", ""))
        qrg = Mid$(rx, 1, InStr(rx, " "))
         rx = Trim(Replace$(rx, qrg & " ", ""))
        dxcall = Mid$(rx, 1, InStr(rx, " "))
         rx = Trim(Replace$(rx, dxcall & " ", ""))
' . . . . . . . . . .
 qrg = Trim(qrg)
qrg_i = CInteger(qrg) '  <<<== Here is Error
         If qrg_i < 440000 And qrg_i > 430000 Then
           mh430 = machmaupdatestr(mh430, dxcall, qrg)
           wpa = Split(mh430, " ")
           nr430 = wpa.length - 1
         '  wp = machma_buttonw(mh430)
         End If
         If qrg_i < 146000 A...


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