Am 04.04.2014 20:36, schrieb Benoît Minisini:
> Le 03/04/2014 11:17, Rolf-Werner Eilert a écrit :
>> Just browsed through the documentation for gb.web and this made me
>> wonder:
>> In the example on
>> aren't the two code snippets swapped? I mean, when I think about what
>> the text says, this one
>> <<Page title="Gambas WebPage Example">>
>> <h2>Gambas WebPage are easy!</h2>
>> <h2>Time is <%=Format(Now, "hh:nn:ss")%></h2>
>> <</Page>>
>> should be the includED page, the other one the includING one.
> No. The 'Main.webpage' generated code *call*s the 'Page.webpage'
> generated code. So 'Page.webpage' is the included page.
> It's just that the '<<--CONTENTS-->>' trick allows to use <<Page>> and
> <</Page> markups, and so allows the included page to generate HTML that
> surrounds part of the including page.
>> In other words, the big one is the Main.Webpage and the small one the
>> Page.Webpage. Or haven't I got it yet?
> That's right. The big one is Main.Webpage.
> Regards,

Yes. Then we should swap the examples or the headers for the examples, 
as it says it the other way round.

Thank you!


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