Le 22/05/2014 13:54, ep...@joernerik.com a écrit :
> Hi! Some time back I made some feature requests, but I think there was no
> replies from you, and perhaps you missed it... so I dare ask one more time:
> A feature that I think would have been really useful would be something like a
> .RichTextInsert() method for the TextEdit control. This way it would be very
> easy to insert HTML objects like tables, hyperlinks and so on at the cursor's
> current position. To make this happen now, the only way I can think of is
> inserting some plain text using InsertText, say {{newHTMLobjectHere}}, and
> then replace that with RegEx.Replace(), or perhaps just Replace().
> Also, I am quite sure that QT's TextEdit has some methods for handling tables.
> Getting some basic table functionality in Gambas' TextEdit would be really
> great, e.g. inserting/deleting tables, rows and columns, split and merging
> cells. I believe this is already built into QT, no?
> Best Regards
> Erik

Yes, I think Qt can do that.

But I don't want to add anything to QTextEdit at the moment. It's a big 
job, the Qt interface being complex, and I want to keep the possibility 
to have the same kind of control with GTK+ in the future.

TextEdit was there just for simple Rich text editing, not for full HTML 


Benoît Minisini

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