
I've just tried your suggestion:
Exec ["mplex", "-f 8", "-o",  sCombinedPath , sVideoPath, sAudioPath]

It works provided that none of the paths contains a space. What do I amend the command to allow for any/all of the paths containing a space?

Also, I've found that if I code "TO sOutput" (or "To sOutput") on the end of your command that it does work (as documented at http://gambasdoc.org/help/lang/exec?v3): I needed it to store the Standard Output so that it can be displayed in a TextArea at completion of the running of the mplex command. Also, it halts the app until mplex is finished: which I want.

I've attached the app's compressed source. The app tries to combine a .m2v (or other video file without sound) with a .mp2 (or other audio file) into a new .mp4 video file using the mplex CLI program. You can use any file with a .m2v suffix & any file with a .mp2 suffix for testing purposes. BTW I created the .m2v & .mp2 files from a .ts file (using the ProjectX app) which I created on a USB stick as a copy of the .ts file on my PVR's hard disk (using my PVR's software). As I said earlier the equivalent mplex command (including single quotes around the pathnames) run in a Terminal works.


Attachment: CombineAV.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

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